Common Eye Disorders and Symptoms

You should always take your eye health very seriously. Some of the issues you may experience with your eyes could be minor, but still require attention. In the event of an eye injury or an issue that you are experiencing with your eyes whether it be blurred vision, burning, puffiness, swelling, irritation, formation of a rash, itchiness, dryness, aching, spots, flashes, floaters or general pain, seeking attention from an optometrist would be wise. If you are currently experiencing some of these symptoms, you can schedule your appointment here.

But what are the causes of these symptoms and what can these common eye disorders mean in the grand scheme of things?

Red & Irritated Eyes

Eye redness and irritation can be caused by a variety of different things. Inflammation, infection, broken blood vessels and trauma can all cause problems. Even allergies can cause some irritation of the eyes. Though it is very bothersome, you don’t have much to worry about in the long term. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your eyes examined if you are experiencing some irritation. You want to diagnose a broken blood vessel or Pink Eye as soon as possible so that the issue does not interfere with your life longer than it has to!

Blurred Vision

If you suddenly lose vision, or your sight becomes compromised, you should seek medical attention in urgent care or with an eye specialist. Sudden vision loss could indicate a retinal detachment or even a stroke. Blurred vision could simply be a result of fatigue or eye strain and isn’t considered an emergency situation, but should still be treated with care. If blurred vision lasts for days at a time, then you should seek medical attention to find out if your condition is in danger of becoming worse.


There could be a number of reasons that puffiness occurs around the eyes. It is most commonly a sign of an allergic reaction, but could also be due to some trauma such as a physical injury. Using ice or some other form of swelling control should help, or some sort of allergy medication to battle the pollen in the air that is affecting your sinuses.

Eye Pain

There are levels to eye pain, just like pain in any other area. The more intense the pain is, the more likely it is that something serious is going on. You should always have eye pain checked out immediately, especially if the pain feels like a stabbing, throbbing sensation. Eye pain that is paired with vision problems should be checked out immediately by an eye specialist. Dull pain may just be a reaction to eye fatigue and it isn’t serious, but it still could be treated by over the counter medication.

Spots, Flashes and Floaters

Mostly, spots and floaters can be a normal occurrence. They are usually created by bits of protein and other tissue embedded in the vitreous of the eye. You must be cautious, though, because sometimes floaters with flashes of light could indicate that a more serious issue is happening inside of your eye. This could cause a detached retina if it isn’t treated properly. Retinal detachments can be treated if noticed early, but if not then it can lead to loss of vision and even blindness.

Hopefully you’ve learned that even small issues with your eyes can cause long-term damage if not treated properly. For more information, please follow us on our Facebook and Instagram pages!

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