Digital Eye Strain and How To Resolve It

Digital Eye Strain From Looking Too Long

As we live in a world of constant use of smartphones, ipads, and computers; there is no doubt that we have felt some fatigue and discomfort to our eyes and body. This is a direct result of a digital eye strain that comes from staring at the screen of these electronics for a long period of time, usually at close to mid-range distance. Believe it or not, our electronic devices are slowly damaging our eyes, mind, and body. Especially for people who require the use of computers for work, we have to be more aware of thise effect and learn how we can reduce it and prevent digital eye strain from occuring more often.

A Common Problem

In a 2016 survey reported by the Vision Council, results discovered that nearly 65% of Americans experience symptoms of digital eye strain. Some of these serious symptoms included blurred vision, dry and irritated eyes, eye fatigue, red eyes, eye twitching, decreased productivity, headaches, neck pain, and back pain. Because from looking only at your electronic device for too long, other causes of strain could be bright lights from the screen and glare.

The 20/20/20 Rule

This rule was specially conceived to help reduce eye strain. The idea is that after every 20 minutes of looking at your computer, take your eyes away from it and give them a break for about 20 seconds. In that time, try to look at anything that is about 20 feet away. Another adjustments to this rule is taking 20 seconds or more to walk away from your computer about 20 feet. Furthermore, it is mighty helpful for your neck and back if you take breaks from your devices more frequently.

Other Solutions

There are also other small changes and adjustments that you can simply do to relive strain. Since bright light is one cause for eye strain; adjusting the brightness, contrast, and cool temperature of your computer can help. Lowering interior lighting and closing out sunlight should also be efficient in relaxing your eyes. Minimizing glare and reflections on your screens is another solution. Think about installing anti-glare screens and using an LCD monitor for your computer. The latter is usually anti-reflective. Blinking is a trait that we really take for granted. According to studies, when we are at our computers, we blink less frequently. Blinking more will help produce tears that will moisten and refresh your eyes, thus treating dry eyes.

Seek Help From Your Eye Doctor

The best way to fully treat a digital eye strain is seeking guidance from your eye doctor and taking a routine eye exam. Professional diagnosis and treatments will cure your vision problems and possibly prevent future eye strains from your devices. Inglewood Optometric Center is your prime destination in the Inglewood community to help find damages and treat eye symptoms. Visit us for your next eye exam.

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